Cancellation & Refund Policy

The client discerns and accepts that the total invoice amount (bill value) will incorporate the AVN Visas Immigration Consultation fee and the applicable. However, the refund would be computed only on the AVN Visas consultation fee.

If visa and immigration authorities do not allow it, AVN Visas Immigration will refund the applicable amount as stated in the agreement. Tax refunds will be processed within 60 working days of the customer submitting the refund application form to AVN Visas. Customers must attach a copy of the rejection letter from the authority supporting the refund request. AVN Visas will not refund the applicable refund amount if the client fails to attach a copy of the refusal letter or the refusal stamp in the client’s passport. The customer must also attach a refund request form, which is a copy of his/her receipt of payment to AVN Visas. Failure to attach these documents will make the customer ineligible for tax refunds.

The company is not responsible for time delays caused by third-party services such as courier services. The customer shall not claim a refund of the service fee on the grounds of such external factors.
AVN Visas shall not be responsible for the refund of any fees or other amounts/charges paid to any assessment agency, immigration authority, embassy/consulate/high commission if the applicant faces a visa/immigration refusal, or under any circumstances by any authority Refuse or not accept his/her application at any stage. Registration and processing fees cover only the cost of services completed by an AVN Visas Consultant and do not include any application or assessment fees. Applicant agrees to pay all additional costs required during processing (if applicable).

If rejected by any assessment agency, immigration authority, embassy/consulate/high commission in any country due to an AVN Visas error, AVN Visas will be obliged to refund the full amount (not include GST/Tax) “AVN Visas consultation fee” charged by the client, but at the same time, AVN Visas is not responsible for refunding customer payments to assessing agencies, immigration authorities, embassies/consulates/high commissions.
If the customer has paid online, he/she accepts that he/she will not be able to withdraw or be entitled to a refund if the money is paid by any means without the prior approval of AVN Visas. This includes EBS, unless following the refund norms mentioned in the agreement and the procedures prescribed by the laws in force in the state of New Delhi under the jurisdiction of New Delhi at the time.
Applicant voluntarily undertakes not to dispute the payment or notify the designated bank of a refund if the client has remitted the money via credit card or online banking, insisting that the bank withhold or cancel the applicant’s payment to AVN Visas. The applicant further undertakes to notify his bank , the payment to the company is genuine and the transaction is an exception to his request to cancel or return the payment in his name, including him or through anyone else. Applicants insist on cooperating with AVN Visas in this regard in case AVN Visas wishes to defend/represent them before any bank/authority.

AVN Visas’ service fees are not referenced to market charges and do not have to be the same as those in the same period as they are only the same as the company’s standards agreed to by the client. Any claim after registration, if it is too extravagant, will not be entertained and the applicant has no right to challenge, since it has been explained and expressed through all sources of information and convinced the client before registration.
The applicant agrees that the immigration process includes showing sufficient funds (if applicable), which vary by country and the process/category for which the applicant is applying. The applicant undertakes to meet the prerequisites required by the relevant immigration/other authorities and failure of the applicant to provide such funds shall not make AVN Visas liable for any refund of the service fee or part of the service fee. The funds to be shown may be between INR 1 to 10 lakhs (increased if you are accompanied by dependents), the client agrees and the funds may need to be utilized within a specific period of time which may range from 1 -12 months Tentative , may vary. Failure to produce the same when applying for a visa may result in the application being refused or not accepted. In such circumstances, requests for refunds of service fees will not be entertained.

In case of the visa being denied on the following grounds, no rebate will be done

  • If the client is unable to attend the visa interview
  • If the applicant does not accede to the prerequisites of the Embassy or the Consulate.
  • Medical inability of the client or his or her family members included in the application.
  • Failure to give a genuine Police Clearance Certificate, which is not less than 3 months old.
  • Submission of deceptive documents.
  • Prior infringement of any immigration or visa law by the client or any of his or her family members included in the application.
  • Late submission of any additional documents appealed by the consulate at a later stage.
  • Failure to get the required score in IELTS / French to meet the eligibility criteria and as advised by the company consultant.

If a client discontinues his/her case within 3 months from the date of registration, there will be no refund. (No contact with your Process Advisor within 3 months will also be considered a waiver).

Application or processing fees paid to the visa agency or any other agency are the responsibility of the client and are not included in AVN Visas’ service fees. If denied, AVN Visas will not consider any refund request.
Clients must submit every document, form and fact so that AVN visa authorities can act on their file and make it worth submitting to the appropriate assessment/immigration authorities within 30 days. Failure to do so by the applicant will only indicate that non-payment of the consultation/consultation fee to AVN Visas is pending.
Clients will attend multiple interviews at their own expense at the location designated by the visa agency according to the requirements of the visa agency, and strictly abide by every order of the visa agency, otherwise it will only describe any secretarial fees provided to AVN Visas without any rebate.
This means that filing an immigration application is never universal, routine and/or time-limited. Relevant authorities may request additional documentation depending on the changing prerequisites of the process and may require further submission of such additional documentation to the relevant immigration authorities. No refund requests will be accepted for these lines.

If the immigration law is changed at any time during the processing of your application after you have signed this Agreement, and as a result of that law change or the immigration process is removed/rescinded, you will not be eligible to apply for the service for which you have registered and paid the full amount; AVN Visas shall not be responsible for refunding any amount specified in the agreement by the client to be paid as a service fee. But the AVN Visas. It will be checked whether the client is eligible for any other country being processed by AVN Visas Immigration and Visa Consultant, and if so, the amount will be transferred to process the application for that specific country.

If you signed up for AVN Visas services under the installment payment option or made a partial payment and immigration law changed at any time after you signed this agreement, during the processing of your application and as a result of that law change, you are now not eligible Applying for services for which you have registered, you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees previously paid to AVN Visas as first installment or any other part.
The client also observes and complies with the fact that if he or she terminates the application for any reason or decides to withdraw from the program, there will be no refund or transfer of the AVN Visas fee to friends or relatives during the course of his or her post-enrollment program.
The applicant also abides by and adheres to the fact that there will be no refund or adjustment of the AVN Visas fee/processing or selection immigration using the AVN Visas if he or she terminates the original service/process for which he or she is registered and decides to switch to another service to different countries.

AVN Visas has the authority to terminate/withdraw their services with no rebate of service fee if the applicant:

  • does not submit all required documents within the set time from the date of his / her registration, which is normally within one month
  • tries to injure the name of the company in what so ever manner, which tampers the functioning of the business or reputation
  • does not respond to the mails and calls made by the company for more than a month
  • withdraws due to personal reasons
  • deficiency in medicals by the client or his family members included in the application forms
  • failure to give a genuine Police Clearance Certificate, which is not less than 3 months old
  • failure to give sufficient funds for settlement or maintenance by the client or his or her family members included in the application
  • past violation of any immigration or visa law by the client or any of his or her family members included in the application
  • delayed submission of any additional documents requested by the consulate in future.

After submitting the application, the client or applicant will notify AVN Visas of all information involving housing and mailing address changes, educational and professional certification changes, marital status/service or company changes, newborns or any police/illegal cases, and while processing This continues until the permanent residence permit is revoked. If the client doesn’t, it just shows that there is no kickback at all for any consulting fees charged to the immigration consulting firm.
The client must take the IELTS/French exam and obtain a minimum individual overall score as appropriate for him/her in each of the given four assessment factors (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in accordance with the prerequisites for visa issuance sub-authority/assessment body. The client is fully aware of and abides by the fact that his application cannot be submitted – minus the requisite overall IELTS/French score – and reimbursement of fees for consulting/consulting/secretary services provided to AVN Visas will not There will be pending or cleared in case he cannot achieve the required IELTS/French overall score.

Applicants should make sure that – if married or in any relationship that can be considered a dependent – a spouse or acceptable dependent is taking the IELTS/French test and offers a report with minimum score as is appropriate on the basis of the determined SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT with AVN Visas. The client fully understands and complies with the fact that his application cannot be submitted, minus the required IELTS / French points of the marital partner even while no compensation of the advisory/consulting charges given to AVN Visas will be claimed or made in a situation wherein he fails to receive the SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT prescribed IELTS / French score total of the marital partner.The above tests, together with related reports, are mandatory for married clients’ documents, although clients may not claim additional points for their partner’s eligibility.

By signing and confirming the agreement to use our services, applicants cannot withdraw under any circumstances due to changes in their personal circumstances. Consideration or reconsideration of any kind of solution is unacceptable. As a heavily invested business, we cannot accept requests for kickbacks once the provision of services or any part of the process has begun.
The client will conform to the AVN Visas, in case he / she is willing to use the substitute services of a global authorized assignee (Embassy / Consulate / Language test conducting centers/Health check conducting centers, etc.), and also make additional payment for such services to AVN Visas, as duly arranged and decided under the SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT agreed to separately by the client. Any form of payment, if completed online,
and in each and every situation–will not be returned.

AVN Visas makes no guarantee, advice or commitment of any kind with respect to job assistance or job security, after licensing sanction, and after landing in any given overseas country. Any advisor/consulting/secretary service fees previously provided to AVN Visas by the client on the grounds that AVN Visas cannot provide overseas job guarantees are not indemnified.
In the event of a conflict/dispute regarding payment by the client to AVN Visas in accordance with the service level agreement duly agreed with the company, the liability of the company – if it arises and is pending, whether monetary or otherwise – shall not exceed and will be limited to acting as a consultant/consultant /Secretary Fee Fees provided to the company as part of the official settlement of the Service Level Agreement.

Some countries have a cap system, so visa/green card/permanent residency approval is contingent on not reaching the cap for the year. A client may have the required points required by the designated country’s immigration bureau, but he/she still may not be able to obtain a visa/green card/permanent residency if the cap is reached for the year. Failure to obtain a visa/green card/permanent residency due to the cap cannot be grounds for claiming a tax refund and the client fully understands this.
Provided your rebate request complies with the Company’s acceptable terms and conditions and service agreement, the processing time for such request will be 60 business days. Rebate payments made will be issued as company checks. Rebate checks will be made payable to the person on the order and mailed to the address specified on the order.
The stated/declared service amount is for the full service from the date of registration, including individual applications only. Any assumptions about extended services to families or children are at the sole discretion of the customer, but the company is not responsible for such assumptions.

AVN Visas is obliged to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of its clients. Therefore, AVN Visas takes important steps to conceal and protect personal information collected by AVN Visas from misuse, loss and unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. AVN Visas may serve the primary purpose for which the information was collected, secondary purposes reasonably expected to be related to the primary purpose, and subject to privacy laws. Generally, AVN Visas discloses customer personal information for the following purposes:

  • to conduct our business;
  • to provide and market our services;
  • to communicate with the Client;
  • to comply with our legal obligations;
  • and to help us manage and improve our services.

Any fees deposited with AVN Visas are used to provide the services listed on our website. All charges are quoted in Indian Rupees unless otherwise stated. You are responsible for paying all fees and applicable taxes associated with our services using one of our approved payment methods.
AVN Visas is not affiliated with any government agency/organization or embassy. We are a private limited company and have no authority to grant you any type of visa. We can only assist and consult with people who want to immigrate or travel to a country of their choice. Please note that the final decision on all visa applications rests with the relevant government authorities in the respective countries.

Our agreements with clients are built on the cornerstones of trust, good faith and security, with each option clearly stated and documented. We ensure full transparency when stating our terms.
The customer agrees and abides by the fact that the company does not recommend or enforce any service/product/visa, etc., and the announcement of a specific service/product/visa, etc. is the customer’s personal decision and cannot be assumed to be the company’s judgment at any time. The company sells all products and informs customers of all opportunities to agree to decide on this service/product/visa etc. without any external pressure.
The applicant has complied in detail with all the above terms, agrees and continues to accept all the terms and conditions of this Agreement by signing/acknowledging/assenting.

AVN Visas is managed and regulated in India with its registered office at Delhi, New Delhi. The laws of the Government of India and the Government of the State of New Delhi shall govern the validity, interpretation and performance of this Agreement. New Delhi Only the courts in Delhi have jurisdiction to hear any dispute between a company and any person arising out of any matter relating to the company.